The Most Backed Kickstarter Campaigns Ever

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The image is split down the middle vertically. On the left a hand holds cards from the game Exploding Kittens on a wooden table. On the right a caption against a black background reads: Most Backed Kickstarter Ever.

The heart of any successful Kickstarter campaign lies in its backers, who play a pivotal role in helping creators achieve their dreams. So it’s no wonder Kickstarter has produced some of the most successful campaigns in crowdfunding with more than 22 million backers using the platform.

This post will explore the most-backed Kickstarter campaigns ever, showcasing how the platform has propelled innovative projects across different categories to unprecedented success.

Key takeaways

  • Kickstarter is a transformative platform that enables creators to turn their ideas into reality with the support of backers from around the world. It follows a straightforward process where creators launch projects, set funding goals, and raise money from backers who pledge their support.
  • All categories have found success on Kickstarter, but “games” are the most successful, followed by technology, design, art, and food. 
  • Crowdfunding games on Kickstarter offers advantages such as raising money without giving up equity, receiving feedback from potential players, building a community of fans, and gaining exposure.

How crowdfunding works on Kickstarter

Kickstarter allows creators to launch projects and raise money from backers who support their projects by pledging money. If a project reaches its funding goal, all backers are charged for their pledges, and the creator receives the funds to complete the project.

Attracting the support of backers is crucial to the success Kickstarter campaign. So it’s important to understand the process they go through.

The backer journey is as follows:

  • Backers browse projects: Backers can browse Kickstarter to find projects they want to support. Projects are categorized by topic, such as music, games, technology, and design.
  • Backers read the project page: Once a backer finds a project they are interested in, they can read the page to learn more about it. The page will include the project’s goals, rewards, and timeline.
  • Backers pledge: If a backer decides to support a project, they can pledge by selecting a reward tier. Reward tiers are different levels of support that offer backers different rewards, such as, early access, or even a behind-the-scenes experience.
  • Backers pay: If a project reaches its funding goal, all backers are charged for their pledges.
  • Backers receive their rewards: Once a project is funded, the creator will start working on completing the project and fulfilling rewards to backers. The creator will typically communicate with backers throughout the process to update them on progress.

The most-backed Kickstarter campaign ever

When it comes to Kickstarter campaigns, there are countless success stories.

However, one successful campaign, funded in 2015, stands alone as the most-backed Kickstarter campaign ever and teaches valuable lessons about how to run a successful crowdfunding campaign.  

Five cards from the game Exploding Kittens are displayed against a black background. A caption in the bottom left corner reads: Most Backed Kickstarter Ever.

Exploding Kittens: The most backed Kickstarter campaign in history

Exploding Kittens is a card game for 2-5 players, ages seven and up. It has become a worldwide sensation since it became the most-backed Kickstarter campaign ever, raising over $8.7 million from over 219,000 backers in 2015.

The game was created by Elan Lee and Shane Small and illustrated by Matthew Inman of The Oatmeal. It is a simple but addictive game where players take turns drawing cards until someone draws an Exploding Kitten card. That player then “explodes” and is eliminated—the last player remaining wins.

To avoid exploding, players can use other cards in their hands to mitigate the effects of Exploding Kitten cards or to steal Exploding Kitten cards from other players. The game is full of twists and turns, keeping players laughing from the edge of their seats.

Exploding Kittens’ success on Kickstarter can be attributed to several factors:

  • Exploding Kittens is a simple, easy-to-learn game appealing to a wide audience.
  • The game’s artwork is whimsical and humorous, adding to its broad appeal.
  • The game’s creators were incredibly effective in promoting the game on social media and other platforms.


Since its Kickstarter campaign, Exploding Kittens has become a major commercial success. The game has sold over 10 million copies worldwide and spawned several sequels and expansions. Exploding Kittens has also been adapted into a mobile game and a Netflix animated series.

Exploding Kittens is a cultural phenomenon that has brought people together from all over the world. It is a game that people of all ages enjoy, and it is a testament to the power of crowdfunding to bring new and innovative products to market.

Exploding Kittens by the numbers:

  • Funds Raised: $8,782,571
  • Backers: 219,382
  • Goal: $10,000

What categories do best on Kickstarter?

The “games” category has undoubtedly been the most successful category on Kickstarter, with games representing five of the top ten most-backed Kickstarter campaigns to date.

In addition to the games, other categories that do well on Kickstarter include:

  • Technology: This category includes new gadgets, hardware, and software projects. Technology projects are often popular on Kickstarter because they offer backers the opportunity to get early access to new and innovative products.
  • Design: This category includes new products, furniture, and home décor projects. Design projects are often popular on Kickstarter because they allow backers to get unique and stylish products unavailable in stores.
  • Art: This category includes new paintings, sculptures, and films. Art projects are often popular on Kickstarter because they offer backers the opportunity to support emerging artists and to get their hands on original works of art.
  • Food: This category includes projects such as new cookbooks, food products, and restaurants. Food and drink projects are often popular on Kickstarter because they offer backers the opportunity to try new and unique products and to support local businesses.

Advantages of crowdfunding games on Kickstarter

There are many reasons why crowdfunding games on Kickstarter has its advantages.

Here are a few:

  • Game creators can raise money without giving up equity.
  • Kickstarter helps creators get feedback from potential players.
  • Kickstarter is great for building a community of fans.
  • Kickstarter offers significant exposure to game creators.
  • The proof is in the numbers, with the “games” category being the most successful on the Kickstarter platform.

There are several reasons why games are so popular on Kickstarter:

  • The popularity of tabletop games and board games has been growing in recent years.
  • Games are often relatively easy to ship and produce, which makes them a good fit for crowdfunding platforms like Kickstarter.
  • Games can be very visually appealing, which can help them to attract backers.
  • Games often have a strong community of fans eager to support new projects.

The other most backed Kickstarter campaigns

Here are some of the other most backed Kickstarter campaigns by category:

Most backed art Kickstarter: We the People

The most backed art Kickstarter campaign was We the People: Public Art for the Inauguration and Beyond by Amplifier, which raised over $1.3 million from more than 22,000 backers in 2017.

Inspired by artist Shepard Fairey’s iconic image of President Barak Obama that captured a period of HOPE in America, the We the People Campaign commissioned some of the greatest activist artists of the time to create new images rejecting “the hate, fear, and open racism normalized during the 2016 presidential campaign.”

As a result of the successful campaign, We the People flooded Washington, DC, with new symbols of hope through these unique art pieces.

Thanks to the campaign, the images were printed as full-page ads in the Washington Post, allowing people across the capitol and the country to carry them into the streets, hang them in windows, or paste them on walls. Amplifier also distributed these images as large placards throughout DC at Metro stops, out the back of moving vans, at drop spots, and as free downloads that the public could print and share.

The We the People campaign was a resounding success. It amplified the voices of a grassroots movement through art and community engagement. It helped fund an important collaboration between a grassroots movement in response to the 2016 presidential campaign and contemporary artists so that their messages could reach a wider audience.

The We the People campaign reminds us that art can be a powerful force for change. It can bring people together, inspire hope, and promote social justice. It flipped artists into activists, observers into participants, and created a series of iconic images that are still being used today.

We the People by the numbers:

  • Funds Raised: $1,365,105
  • Backers: 22,840
  • Goal: $60,000

Most backed Kickstarter comic: Good Omens

Good Omens: The Official (and Ineffable) Graphic Novel is a highly anticipated adaptation of Terry Pratchett and Neil Gaiman’s beloved novel, adapted by Colleen Doran, a talented artist, and writer who has previously worked on comics such as Neil Gaiman’s Sandman and Wonder Woman.

The forthcoming graphic novel is one of the most anticipated releases of the year and the most backed Kickstarter comic in history, with more than 36,000 backers pledging more than £2.4 million. The success of this Kickstarter comic is due, in part, to the popularity of the original novel, which has sold over 5 million copies worldwide and has been adapted into a successful Amazon Prime Video series.

But the graphic novel is also eagerly awaited because of Doran’s involvement. Doran is known for her detailed and expressive artwork, which is perfectly suited to the world of Good Omens. She has also said that she is very faithful to the original novel and is working hard to create a graphic novel that will please both fans and newcomers to the story.

Good Omens is a comedy about the end of the world. It follows the unlikely friendship between Aziraphale, an angel, and Crowley, a demon, who has both grown fond of Earth and doesn’t want to see it destroyed. When they learn that the Antichrist is about to be born, they team up to try to stop the Apocalypse.

The graphic novel is expected to be a faithful and visually stunning adaptation of this classic novel. It is a must-read for fans of Good Omens and anyone who enjoys a good story with a bit of humor and heart.

Good Omens by the numbers:

Funds Raised: £2,419,973

Backers: 36,867

Goal: £2,500

Most backed craft Kickstarter: The “This is Fine” Plush Dog

The “This is Fine” Plush Dog Kickstarter campaign was launched in 2016, unveiling the first official plush merch piece based on a meme that became one of the most relatable comics of the era.

The meme is from a 2013 Gunshow strip titled “On Fire,” which features an anthropomorphic dog (dubbed “Question Hound”) drinking tea in a room that is burning down. Despite its own body catching fire and beginning to melt, the dog remains perfectly calm throughout the six-panel strip, saying lines such as, “This is fine,” and “That’s okay, things are going to be okay.”

The first two frames of the comic have become an iconic meme recognized worldwide.

Together with Soft Stuff Creations, cartoonist KC Green, creator of the comic, launched the campaign to bring this 13″ tall plush dog to life, giving the world a friend they can hug whenever they have a sudden flash of clarity about how perpetually near the precipice of devastation we all are.

It was designed with a nice flat butt to sit upright and quietly stare off, wall-eyed, into the middle distance, trying to suppress it all, just like he does in the famous comic strip. And he has a little plush coffee cup, too, with his renowned catchphrase emblazoned on it.

After successfully becoming the most-backed craft Kickstarter campaign in history, the “This is Fine” Plush Dog has gone on to mass production and is widely available from various retail outlets.

“This is Fine” Plush Dog by the numbers:

  • Funds Raised: $454,717
  • Backers: 12,705
  • Goal: $35,000

Most backed dance Kickstarter: Where the Heck is Matt?

Matt Harding is an American traveler, video game designer, and Internet celebrity known as Dancing Matt for his viral videos that show him dancing in front of landmarks and street scenes in various international locations. His videos have been viewed over 100 million times on YouTube and featured in major media outlets such as The New York Times, CNN, and BBC.

Harding began making his dancing videos in 2005 while working as a video game designer in Australia. He quit his job in 2006 to travel the world and make more videos, and he has since visited over 100 countries. His videos are typically short and edited to music. They often feature Harding dancing in front of famous landmarks or interesting locations.

In 2015, Matt launched the Where the Heck is Matt Kickstarter campaign to help raise money to support his effort. It was a resounding success and became the platform’s most-backed campaign in the dance category.

Backers of the campaign were treated to a wide range of perks, depending on their pledge level, from getting a say in where Matt traveled to, receiving a postcard (or six) from Matt himself, a personalized video of Matt dancing, and even a personal visit from Matt!

Today, Matt is still dancing his way across the globe, inspiring people from all backgrounds to travel, explore, and enjoy life.

Where the Heck is Matt? by the numbers:

  • Funds Raised: $146,075
  • Backers: 4,133
  • Goal: $125,000

Most backed design Kickstarter: The Fidget Cube

The Fidget Cube is a small, handheld desk toy designed to help people focus and relieve stress. It was created by brothers Matthew and Mark McLachlan, who launched a Kickstarter campaign in 2016 to raise funds to produce the cube. The campaign was a huge success, raising over $6.4 million from more than 150,000 backers, making it the most-backed Kickstarter project in the design category ever.

The Fidget Cube is a six-sided cube with each side featuring a different fidgeting mechanism:

  • Clicker: A simple clicker button that provides a satisfying tactile sensation.
  • Glider: A smooth joystick that can be glided back and forth with your thumb.
  • Dial: A rotating dial that can be turned with your fingers.
  • Spinner: A spinning wheel that can be spun with your fingers or thumb.
  • Fidget buttons: Five small silicone buttons that can be pressed and released repeatedly.
  • Texture: A textured side that can be rubbed and stroked to provide sensory stimulation.

The Fidget Cube is made of durable ABS plastic and is available in various colors. It is small enough to fit in your pocket, making it easy to take with you on the go.

The Fidget Cube is popular with people of all ages but especially with students, office workers, and people with anxiety or ADHD. Many people find that the Fidget Cube helps them to focus and concentrate better, while others find that it helps to relieve stress and anxiety.

In addition to its practical benefits, the Fidget Cube is also a fun and stylish accessory that comes in various colors and designs, so you can choose one that matches your personality and style.

The success of the Fidget Cube remains a testament to how creators can use crowdfunding platforms to bring innovative new products to market. It is also a testament to the popularity of fidget toys and the growing awareness of the benefits of fidgeting.

The Fidget Cube by the numbers:

  • Funds Raised: $6,465,690
  • Backers: 154,926
  • Goal: $15,000

Most backed fashion Kickstarter: The BAUBAX 2.0

The BauBax 2.0 is a travel jacket with 25 different features designed to make travel more comfortable and convenient. The Kickstarter campaign that successfully brought the jacket to market was launched in 2018 and quickly became the most-backed fashion Kickstarter of all time, raising over $3.9 million from more than 21,000 backers. It has since received praise for its functionality and versatility, and the makers have gone on to create a wide range of other products designed specifically for travelers.

Here are some of the key features of the BAUBAX 2.0:

  • Neck pillow: The BAUBAX 2.0 has an inflatable neck pillow built into the hood, which can be inflated in seconds using a built-in pump. The neck pillow provides support and comfort while traveling on airplanes, trains, and buses.
  • Eye mask: The BAUBAX 2.0 comes with a detachable eye mask that can block out light and create a dark environment for sleeping.
  • Gloves: The BAUBAX 2.0 has a pair of detachable gloves that can keep hands warm in cold weather or protect them from the sun.
  • Stylus pen: The BAUBAX 2.0 has a stylus pen that can operate touchscreen devices.
  • Tech pockets: The BAUBAX 2.0 has a variety of tech pockets, including a passport pocket, a phone pocket, and a headphone pocket. These pockets are designed to keep your valuables safe and organized while traveling.

In addition to these features, the BAUBAX 2.0 is also made of water-resistant fabric. It has various other features that make it ideal for travel, such as a hidden pocket for valuables, a built-in bottle opener, and a reflective trim for safety at night.

The BAUBAX 2.0 has become popular for travelers looking for a jacket that can do it all.

BAUBAX 2.0 by the numbers:

  • Funds Raised: $3,948,547
  • Backers: 21,409
  • Goal: $50,000

Most backed film/video Kickstarter: The Veronica Mars Movie Project

Veronica Mars is a fictional character and the protagonist of the American teen noir mystery drama television series of the same name. The series premiered on September 22, 2004, during television network UPN’s final two years and ended on May 22, 2007, after a season on UPN’s successor, The CW, airing for three seasons.

Veronica Mars is a student who progresses from high school to college while moonlighting as a private investigator under the tutelage of her detective father. In each episode, Veronica solves a different stand-alone case while working to solve a more complex mystery. The series’ first two seasons each had a season-long mystery arc, introduced in the first episode and solved in the finale.

After the series was canceled, creator Rob Thomas wrote a feature film script that continued the Veronica Mars storyline. However, Warner Bros. declined to fund the project. So, on March 13, 2013, Thomas and the series star Kristen Bell launched the Veronica Mars Movie Project campaign on Kickstarter to produce the film. It reached its $2 million funding goal in just eleven hours, breaking several Kickstarter records and ultimately becoming the most backed film/video Kickstarter campaign of all time, a designation it still holds today.

The film, “Veronica Mars,” was released in 2014 and became a success among critics and fans alike. It even paved the way for a fourth season of the series, which premiered on Hulu in 2019.

The Veronica Mars Movie Project by the numbers:

  • Funds Raised: $5,702,153
  • Backers: 91,585
  • Goal: $2,000,000

Most backed food Kickstarter: Cheat Sheets

Cheat Sheets are a set of oven-safe silicone dividers that fit on a standard half-sheet pan. They allow you to cook multiple foods on the same sheet pan without worrying about overcooking or undercooking. The product was brought to life thanks to its successful Kickstarter campaign launched in 2020.

Cheat Sheets are made of high-quality, non-stick, food-grade silicone that is easy to clean and dishwasher safe.

To use Cheat Sheets, place them on a sheet pan and add your food to the dividers. You can cook different types of food in each divider or the same kind of food in different ways. For example, you could cook chicken breasts in one divider, broccoli in another, and potatoes in a third.


Once you have added your food to the dividers, place the sheet pan in the oven and bake according to the recipe. Cheat Sheets will help to ensure that all of your food cooks evenly and at the same time.

Cheat Sheets are a great way to make sheet pan cooking even easier and more convenient.

Since its successful Kickstarter campaign, the product has gone mainstream. It is available from various retail outlets, including Amazon and The Container Store.

Cheat Sheets by the numbers:

  • Funds Raised: $2,246,434
  • Backers: 26,644
  • Goal: $10,000

Most backed journalism Kickstarter: LA VOZ de César Vidal 2023/2024

LA VOZ is a political and cultural commentary podcast by Spanish journalist and author César Vidal that has been running since 2014. The podcast is known for its critical analysis of current events and its outspoken views on various topics related to Spain, Latin America, and the rest of the world.

Through crowdfunding, the program has been able to, for years, broadcast free of charge through YouTube, iVoox, Soundcloud, Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, TuneIn, Stitcher, and on

Its 2023/2024 Kickstarter campaign became the most-backed journalism Kickstarter in history, with more than 3,400 backers pledging more than $185,000, helping to bring a new season of LA VOZ that will feature a mix of new and returning guests, including politicians, journalists, and academics. The season will cover various topics, including politics, culture, and current events.

In addition to producing the new season of LA VOZ, the funds are used to cover other costs associated with the podcast, such as travel and production.

The success of this campaign represented a significant milestone in the Spanish media landscape. The campaign is a testament to LA VOZ’s popularity and the demand for independent and critical voices in Spanish media.

LA VOZ de César Vidal 2023/2024 by the numbers:

  • Funds Raised: $185,522
  • Backers: 3,487
  • Goal: $100,000

Most backed music Kickstarter: Theatre Is Evil: the album, art book, and tour

Theatre Is Evil: the album, art book, and tour was a project by Amanda Palmer, funded by Kickstarter in 2011. It was the most backed music Kickstarter campaign ever, raising nearly $1.2 million from more than 24,000 backers.

The album Theatre Is Evil was released in September 2011. It was Palmer’s second solo album, featuring a mix of cabaret, punk, and rock music. The album was critically acclaimed and nominated for a Grammy Award for Best Alternative Music Album.

The art book Theatre Is Evil was released in conjunction with the album. It featured artwork by over 30 artists inspired by the songs on the album. The art book was also a critical and commercial success.

The Theatre Is Evil tour began in October 2011 and lasted over a year. The tour took Palmer and her band to over 100 cities worldwide. The tour was a huge success and helped solidify Palmer’s status as one of her generation’s most popular and innovative musicians.

The Theatre Is Evil project was a landmark moment in crowdfunding. It showed that it was possible to raise a large amount of money from fans to support a creative project. The project also showed a large demand for alternative music and art.

The Theatre Is Evil project was a huge success for Amanda Palmer. It helped her to produce a critically acclaimed album, a beautiful art book, and a successful tour. It also helped to raise the profile of crowdfunding and alternative music.

Theatre Is Evil by the numbers:

  • Funds Raised: $1,192,793
  • Backers: 24,883
  • Goal: $100,000

Fun Fact: this was the first 7 figure Kickstarter campaign ever and was what put Kickstarter on the map.

Most Backed Kickstarter Photography Campaign: FILM Ferrania

The FILM Ferrania Kickstarter campaign was launched in 2014 to raise funds to revive analog film production in Italy. The campaign was a resounding success, raising over $320,000 from more than 5,500 backers.

Ferrania is a company that was founded in 1923 and was once one of the world’s leading producers of photographic and cinematographic film. However, the Ferrania factory closed its doors in 2010.

In 2012, the founders of FILM Ferrania, named in homage to the original 1923 company, wanted to reopen the factory. So, they turned to Kickstarter to realize their dream. The campaign was a resounding success, allowing the company to begin producing analog film.

FILM Ferrania currently produces analog film products, including black and white film, color film, and slide film. The company’s film is sold worldwide and popular with photographers of all experience levels.

The FILM Ferrania Kickstarter campaign was a significant event for the analog photography community. It showed that there was still a strong demand for analog film, which helped revive the once-great company’s legacy for a new generation.

FILM Ferrania by the numbers:

  • Funds Raised: $322,420
  • Backers: 5,582
  • Goal: $250,000

Most backed Kickstarter publishing campaign: The Surprise! Four Secret Novels by Brandon Sanderson

The Surprise! Four Secret Novels by Brandon Sanderson Kickstarter campaign was launched in 2022 to raise funds for four new novels by Brandon Sanderson, one of the most popular fantasy authors ever. The campaign was a huge success, raising over $41 million from more than 180,000 supporters, making it the most-backed Kickstarter publishing campaign of all time and the second-most-backed Kickstarter campaign ever.

The four novels in the Surprise! Four Secret Novels Kickstarter campaign are:

  • The Lost Metal: The fourth book in the Mistborn series, set in the same world as the other Mistborn books.
  • The Night of Knives: A new stand-alone novel set in the Cosmere, Sanderson’s shared universe.
  • The Dawnshard: A new novella set in the Stormlight Archive world.
  • The Rhythm of War Part Two: The second part of the fifth book in the Stormlight Archive series.

The Kickstarter campaign offered a variety of rewards to backers, including early access to the novels, exclusive swag, and even the chance to be a character in one of the novels.

The campaign was a huge success, showing the incredible popularity of Brandon Sanderson and his work. The campaign also showed the power of Kickstarter to help authors raise money for their projects.

The Surprise! Four Secret Novels by the numbers:

  • Funds Raised: $41,754,153
  • Backers: 185,341
  • Goal: $1,000,000

Most backed Kickstarter technology campaign: Bring Reading Rainbow Back for Every Child, Everywhere!

The Bring Reading Rainbow Back for Every Child, Everywhere! Kickstarter campaign was launched in 2014 to raise funds to bring back the beloved children’s television show Reading Rainbow.

Reading Rainbow was an American educational children’s television series that originally aired on PBS and afterward on PBS Kids from July 11, 1983, to November 10, 2006, with reruns continuing to air until August 28, 2009. The show was hosted by actor and executive producer LeVar Burton, who was then known for his role in Roots. He later went on to star as Geordi La Forge in Star Trek: The Next Generation.

LeVar Burton & Reading Rainbow launched the Kickstarter campaign in 2014, which became an incredible success, helping to bring the new Reading Rainbow series to a new generation of kids through various platforms, including streaming services and educational channels.

Burton had been campaigning for years to bring back the show, and the Kickstarter campaign allowed him to do so. The sheer success of the campaign was a testament to the popularity of Reading Rainbow and LeVar Burton. The campaign also showed the power of Kickstarter to help bring back beloved cultural icons.

Bring Reading Rainbow Back for Every Child, Everywhere! by the numbers:

  • Funds Raised: $5,408,916
  • Backers: 105,857
  • Goal: $1,000,000

Most Backed Kickstarter Theatre Campaign: StarKid’s 10niversary Celebration!

The StarKid’s 10niversary Celebration! was a Kickstarter campaign launched in April 2019 by Team StarKid to raise funds to produce a new musical and a reunion concert to celebrate the show that started it all, A Very Potter Musical. The campaign was a huge success, raising over $540,000 from more than 11,000 backers, making it the most-backed theater Kickstarter project ever.

StarKid Productions, also known as Team StarKid, is an American musical theatre company founded in 2009 at the University of Michigan by Darren Criss, Brian Holden, Matt Lang, and Nick Lang. They are known for their parodies of popular culture, such as A Very Potter Musical (a parody of Harry Potter), Starship (a parody of Star Trek), and The Trail to Oregon! (a parody of the video game Oregon Trail). StarKid also produces original musicals like Black Friday and Twisted (a parody of Disney’s Aladdin).

The StarKid’s 10niversary Celebration Kickstarter campaign funded Black Friday and Starkid Homecoming.

Black Friday is a horror musical about a town going mad on the shopping day from hell. It was written by Nick and Matt Lang, with music and lyrics by Jeff Blim. The cast featured a mix of returning StarKids, including Joey Richter, Jaime Lyn Beatty, Lauren Lopez, Curt Mega, and newcomers like Dylan Saunders, Kim Whalen, and Robert Manion.

The reunion concert, StarKid Homecoming, celebrated ten years of StarKid. It featured over 40 StarKids from a wide range of StarKid shows, including A Very Potter Musical, Starship, Me and My Dick, and The Trail to Oregon!. The concert featured performances of fan favorites like “Granger Danger,” “To Write a Song,” and “I’m Not Okay.”

Both Black Friday and StarKid Homecoming were critically acclaimed and well-received by fans. Black Friday was praised for its catchy songs, humor, and talented cast. StarKid Homecoming was commended for its nostalgia factor, high-energy performances, and celebration of the StarKid community.

The StarKid’s 10niversary Celebration was a major event for the StarKid fandom. It was a chance for fans to celebrate their favorite show and to see their favorite StarKids perform together again. It was also a chance for StarKid to give back to their fans and to show their appreciation for their support over the years.

StarKid’s 10niversary Celebration Kickstarter by the numbers:

  • Funds Raised: $547,439
  • Backers: 11,704
  • Goal: $155,000

What do these successful Kickstarter campaigns have in common?

These successful Kickstarter campaigns share several common elements that contributed to their remarkable achievement as the most backed Kickstarter campaigns of all time:


  • A passionate fan base: Each campaign had a dedicated fan base eager to support the project. Whether it was fans of a beloved TV show, author, or artist, the campaigns tapped into existing communities.
  • Compelling rewards: They offered a wide range of enticing rewards and incentives for backers, including exclusive content, early access, personalized experiences, and limited-edition merchandise. These rewards added value to the backers’ contributions.
  • Clear communication: Effective and transparent communication with backers was a key factor. Creators informed their supporters about the project’s progress, promptly addressed questions, and provided regular updates to maintain trust.
  • An emotional connection: These campaigns often evoked strong emotions or nostalgia in backers. Whether it was the love for a childhood show, the excitement for a new novel, or the desire to support a creative endeavor, backers felt a deep connection to the projects.
  • An established reputation: Many of these campaigns were associated with well-known and respected creators, authors, or artists who had already built a reputation for their work. This credibility instilled confidence in backers.
  • Strong marketing and promotion: Successful campaigns invested in effective marketing and advertising, including leveraging social media, engaging influencers, and utilizing traditional media to reach a wider audience.
  • Clear Goals and Planning: Each campaign had a well-defined goal and a clear plan for using the funds. This transparency reassured backers that their contributions would be put to good use.
  • Community Engagement: Creators actively engaged with their communities and involved backers in decision-making processes, such as choosing stretch goals or deciding on project details.
  • Timely Delivery: Fulfilling promises and delivering rewards on time or even ahead of schedule helped maintain trust and credibility with backers.
  • Impactful and Innovative Projects: Many of these campaigns offered unique, innovative, or highly anticipated projects that captured the imagination of their target audiences.

The combination of these characteristics created a powerful recipe for crowdfunding success.

How Launchboom helps Kickstarter campaigns get successfully backed

Launchboom is a crowdfunding agency that helps Kickstarter campaigns get successfully funded. From helping creators build reservation funnels and testing/validating their products to building an audience and launching a successful campaign, Launchboom is a long-term partner for success.

The team of crowdfunding experts is dedicated to your long-term success. We’ll hold your hand, understand your goals, and guide you down the right path to achieve them.

Contact us today to find out more.






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