How to Promote your Indiegogo Campaign

Boost Your Indiegogo Campaign Success with These Proven Promotion Strategies

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How to Promote Your Indiegogo Campaign


Crowdfunding has made more than a few dreams come true, and if you’re here, you’re probably wondering what you must do to receive the same luck. Worry not, because we’re here to spill the tea. 

So you’re en route to launching an Indiegogo campaign. Good for you! It’s one of the most popular crowdfunding platforms, and for good reason: over 800 thousand projects have found success on Indiegogo, believe it or not. 

It can be frustrating and confusing to navigate the world of crowdfunding promotion, especially if you have limited marketing experience. Luckily, with a little bit of creativity, a lot of grit, and a foolproof plan, we can help you find your strengths and stand out from the crowd.

Key Takeaways

  • Having a solid marketing plan can help you stay on track when promoting your Indiegogo campaign. 
  • Ads on Facebook and Google can help you reach a wider audience. 
  • Collaborating with creators may also bring in more traffic. 
  • Using an email list is a great way to get backers to support your project. 
  • LaunchBoom can help you turbo-fuel your Indiegogo campaign. 

Best Ways to Promote Your Indiegogo Campaign

When you launch an Indiegogo crowdfunding campaign, you have to be ready to work hard to get it where you want it to go. Getting the word out isn’t always easy, but paid advertising is one way to make things a bit simpler and rely on the magic of algorithms and marketing. Let’s talk a bit about how paid ads can help you reach your crowdfunding goals.

Paid Ads on Google and Facebook

We’re obsessed with Facebook ads, which we’ll get into in detail below. Basically, Facebook is crazy good at targeting audiences that are super niche and are likely to be interested in or interact with your crowdfunding project and ad. Google ads are another great way to promote your Indiegogo campaign, allowing you to display your project on the search engine’s results page and reach many Googlers. 

How to Determine a Paid Ads Goal

When making ads on Google Ads or something similar, you’ll first want to really hone into your final objective: getting people to back your Indiegogo campaign. While brand awareness, going viral, and driving traffic to your campaign are all goals to strive towards, there’s no doubt that the main goal is to get people to back you. 

Additionally, you can set more goals that can help you reach a wider audience and generate a buzz. Every marketing plan is unique, so figuring out what you want and need can resolve any confusion about where to go when considering paid ads. 

How to Create a Budget for Paid Ads

Another important aspect of paid ads is creating a budget that doesn’t take up all of the money you need to bring your project to reality. The last thing you want is to overspend and end up spending more than you’ll receive. Make a clear and concise budget that states how much you’re able to spend and what is needed to reach your advertising goals. Allocate the budget as needed and make sure you stick to it as much as possible. 

How to Measure the Success of Paid Ads

Back in the day of magazines and newspapers, it was practically impossible to get metrics on how successful an ad was. The internet has changed this all: nowadays, you can track metrics like clicks, impressions, and conversion rates to observe the success of your ads. This allows you to tweak as you go, figuring out what works best with your target audience and reaping the rewards of optimized advertising. 

Indiegogo Facebook Ads 101

Indiegogo is the name, Facebook is the game. One cannot be without the other, and we’ll tell you why. Honestly, Facebook and Instagram are probably our favorite social media platforms to advertise on (Meta, if we’re being technical, but we’ll just say Facebook for simplicity’s sake). 

Facebook has the crazy ability to help you create target audiences that are actually very specific to certain behaviors, likes, dislikes, hobbies, interests, and so on. Their tools are very exact and make Facebook advertising overturn very high conversion rates, which is what you ultimately want. 

So, how should you use Facebook to advertise your Indiegogo crowdfunding campaign? You want to make the most of the nearly three billion active users by getting them to sign up for your email list. This is done through an ad that leads potential backers to a landing page where they can decide to leave their email to stay in the loop once the campaign launches, or also give a down payment that promises special perks. 

The reason why Facebook is so awesome is that the conversion rates are pretty high. For VIPs, which will have backed a small amount for future rewards, the conversion rate is 30%. For non-VIPs, it’s 1%, which is still pretty good. 

So why do we suggest using Facebook to advertise your Indiegogo campaign? It’s low-cost, low-effort, and can ultimately be a game-changer in helping you reach your crowdfunding goals. 

Benefits of Facebook Ads for Indiegogo Campaigns

Here are some benefits of using Facebook ads to promote your Indiegogo campaign: 

  • Facebook Ads allows you to uber-personalize your target audience so that you can only reach people that could truly show interest in your project.
  • With nearly three billion active users, Facebook has a huge audience you can cater your project to. 
  • Facebook can help you get an email list together so that you can follow up with potential backers.
  • Facebook Ads are a cost-effective and relatively cheap way to get advertising without breaking the bank. 

How to Use Facebook Pixel on Indiegogo

Facebook Pixel is one of our favorite tools, and you can use it on your own Indiegogo campaign! Pixel works by tracking the behavior of people who interact with your ad, so you know how many clicks it receives when people head to the checkout and other actions that can help you optimize and track the success of your ad. 

In order to use Facebook Pixel on Indiegogo, you’ll have to go into your Facebook Ads account and click on “Create a Pixel”. Follow the instructions, and once the code is generated, add it to your Indiegogo campaign by pasting it into the header section. Now, you’ll be able to track potential backers’ behavior and change up things if needed so you can reach as many people within your target audience as possible.


What is Crossposting?

Crossposting is when you share content from one platform to various ones in order to increase visibility and reach a wider audience. The reason this can be helpful is that it’s a free and easy way to expose your project to new audiences, with the hopes that you’ll get an army of new backers supporting your project. 

Why and When You Should Use It

Why use crossposting to promote your Indiegogo campaign? Simple, to reach a larger audience across multiple platforms, connect with different communities, and keep putting the word out there. Plus, it’ll save you time and effort down the road, believe us. 

When should you use it? Before, during, and after the campaign. Before to start generating interest, during to work off of that momentum and create a sense of urgency, and after keep your backers updated about what’s going on and fulfill your promises. 

The Do’s and Don’ts of Crossposting on Social Media

While cross-posting can be helpful, it’s not without its do’s and don’ts. Here are some to keep in mind. 

Definitely Do

  • Customize content for every outlet. Some content can be repeated across them, but it’s important to keep messages tailored to every platform. For example, a hashtag might work on Facebook, but not so much on Reddit. 
  • Make the most of the modern world by adding engaging and high-quality visuals like photos and videos. 
  • Make sure you post content when your community is online. Timing has a lot to do with it! You can use tools and online forums to investigate optimal posting time for different platforms. 

Definitely Don’t

  • It’s important not to post too much, as you can come across as annoying or insistent. Instead, make sure that each post is optimized and spaced out. 
  • Post the same things on every platform. People want to see new content when they look you up somewhere else. 
  • Forget to track your ads. You want to stay updated and know what’s going on so you can optimize and change future posts if necessary.

Tips for Promoting on Social Media

In case you’re not sure what kind of content you can share across social media platforms when crossposting, here are a few tips: 

  • Share your campaign’s status and milestones.
  • Share new images or videos of your project.
  • Announce new perks or incentives to contribute to or share your campaign.
  • Make it personal – Share who your team is, and the goals you wish to achieve.
  • Let your crowd know how their contributions are making a difference.

How to Engage Online Communities to Promote Your Campaign

One of the best ways to promote your Indiegogo is to use already existing communities to get the word out there. After all, these communities have already done most of the work getting all these people together, so might as well make the most of it. 

Finding communities on Reddit, LinkedIn, online forums, a Facebook group, or a chat group can be exhausting, but well worth it if you’re thinking of adding value to these interests with your own interactions. You can try connecting with “key members” who have a strong voice within the community and go from there, building up momentum. 

An important aspect of using communities to promote your project is that you don’t want to be a walking, talking ad. Instead, try to add value to the community by connecting your project with their interests. 

Using Influencers to Promote Indiegogo Campaigns

You’ve definitely seen an influencer promote something before. In this day and age, who hasn’t? Whether or not you subscribe to the influencer movement, there’s no doubt that using online creators to promote your project can help you reach your crowdfunding goals. You’ll be able to generate a buzz within their fanbase and attract more backers!

How to Reach Out to Bloggers and Influencers

Getting in contact with bloggers and influencers can be tricky, especially if they have a huge following. However, most of them have an email you can contact to connect and see if they’re a good fit for your project. 

That’s the hardest but most important part: making sure you pick the right influencer. If your project is an underwater camera, you won’t want to get an influencer from the dry desert lands of Nevada to help you promote it. Their audience has to be the target you’re looking for, and their values should align with your own. 

When you start reaching out to influencers, make sure to keep your message clear, concise, and personal. Introduce who you are, and what you do, and present your project along with all of its goals. Also, tell them why you think they’re a good fit for the project. Make sure to highlight the reasons why a collaboration is good for them too, as you’ll definitely need to give them something in return. 

Why It’s Important to Stay in Your Niche

Staying within your niche or target audience can help you find more success when doing influencer marketing. You’re not likely to attract backers from people who you and your project have nothing in common with. 

When and Why to Use an Early-Stage PR Firm

Early-stage PR firms can help you create and generate a buzz before you launch your Indiegogo campaign. If you need a little extra help, it’s worth considering. After all, it’s never been a bad idea to follow up with experts before making a huge, life-altering decision like starting a new project from the ground up.

How to Use Email Marketing to Promote Your Indiegogo Campaign

Email marketing is one of the best ways to promote your Indiegogo campaign, and it’s definitely one of our own focus points. Email marketing is when interested individuals receive targeted messages encouraging them to support your campaign, and this can be very effective. 

In order to effectively start your email marketing, you’ll want to set up a landing page where people can send in their email addresses and a small donation to become VIPs and receive extra perks. Usually, the conversion rate for VIPs is 30%, and non-VIPs around 1%. 

Email marketing is effective in a lot of ways: it can help build awareness for your brand or project, reach a wider targeted audience, drive traffic to your landing page and campaign, help you build a community of like-minded people who want to support you, and ultimately can lead to more backers (meaning your project becomes a reality). 

Five Ways to Capture Emails to Market Your Products

Here are five ways to start building a list of email addresses to market your campaign to: 

  • Put an email opt-in on your landing page or website so that interested people can sign up for updates. 
  • Create pop-ups on your sites asking people to subscribe with their email. 
  • Offer free content like ebooks, videos, etc. as a magnet that attracts potential backers. 
  • Use an email capture page via ads to convert cold traffic. 
  • Export all the email addresses on your LinkedIn or Facebook to market your campaign. 


Best Tools for Email Marketing an Indiegogo Campaign

If you need a little support in the email marketing department, here are some great tools you can find online:

  • Klaviyo is one of the most popular email marketing tools, and it’s designed to drive sales in e-commerce. You can add it directly to your Indiegogo to create targeted and personalized email campaigns.
  • Mailchimp is another email marketing tool that has made its mark. The many features let you create email campaigns, automate workflows, and segment your target audience. 
  • Aweber is last, but not least. This tool helps small businesses and entrepreneurs create email marketing campaigns automatically, makes sure messages are personalized to interests and behaviors and gives you detailed reporting. 

Indiegogo’s Referral System

Indiegogo offers a referral system that could help you get more people on your side by getting backers to promote your project. So what is it?

What is the Indiegogo Referral System?

Indiegogo’s referral system works by providing backers with a link that can be shared with their own networks. When someone uses your backer’s unique link to support your project, the backer who sent the link gets a reward (that part is up to you). 

The Indiegogo referral system is pretty effective at promoting your campaign organically through the hands of those who already support you. By incentivizing them, you’re leveraging the power of the internet, reaching a wider audience, and ultimately doing everything you can to get your project off of the ground. 

How to Use it to Promote Your Campaign

To use Indiegogo’s referral system, you’ll want to enable it in your campaign. Once this is done, make sure to set up rewards and incentives that will encourage your backers to share their referral links with their own networks. Be creative and unique: give them something you’d be happy to receive. Make sure to promote the referral program in your campaign, and monitor the performance in case anything needs to be tweaked. 

Indiegogo Secret Perk

A sense of exclusivity is a surefire way to pique people’s interest in your campaign. That’s where Indiegogo’s secret perks come in. But what are they?

What is an Indiegogo Secret Perk?

An Indiegogo secret perk is a reward that can only be accessed by a select group of campaign backers that have the secret link or password. It’s effective because it creates a sense of exclusivity that encourages people to be even more supportive of your project, and can also increase a sense of trust, motivation, and loyalty. 

How to Use it to Promote Your Campaign

In order to set up a secret perk, you’ll have to access your Indiegogo campaign and get it all set up. Then, you can share the link or password with whichever backers you choose, whether that’s through the email marketing list, social media, or other forms of communication.

Should You Use Ad Agencies to Promote Your Campaign?

You might be considering using a crowdfunding ad agency to promote your campaign. Honestly, there’s no right or wrong answer: it all depends on what your needs and wants are. 

Ad agencies are filled with expertise and experience, which can bring lots of benefits to the table. You might also benefit from the time it can save you since you won’t be doing all the hard work by yourself. Developing an ad strategy is time-consuming and difficult, and if you don’t feel up to the task or could use a little more support, an ad agency can definitely help. 

How LaunchBoom can Turbo Fuel Your Indiegogo Campaign

At LaunchBoom, we’re passionate about giving your Indiegogo campaign a little something that’ll put it over the top. Our team of experts works tirelessly to create the most effective marketing and promotion strategies, and all you need to do is be by our side (or are we on yours?)

LaunchBoom can be helpful in a lot of areas of your Indiegogo campaign. First off, we’re great at building highly qualified email lists thanks to our Reservation Funnel, which consists of setting up a landing page that lets people sign up for your project. Plus, it has a high conversion rate that ultimately can lead to your project getting funded quickly. 

Speaking about getting funded quickly, we can turbo-fuel your campaign in order to get you funded within your first day! Yep, you read that right: in less than 24 hours, your campaign could be completely funded. Our track record shows that this milestone is a common occurrence for LaunchBoom. 

Another way we help promote your campaign is by using the existing traffic on Indiegogo by making the most of the algorithm. Indiegogo will often feature projects that have gained momentum on their main page, as well as promote them across the website. By achieving early success in your campaign, as we have with so many others, we’re able to get you onto that main page and generate even more traffic and funding.

We won’t tell you what to do, but we’ll definitely tell you all about what has worked for us. As a team, we’re sure you’ll fly high and achieve any goal you have in mind. Additionally, we’ll be here to help you along the way.


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