
Altosbiz is a product launch agency that has helped over 120 teams crowdfund $10M collectively on Kickstarter and Indiegogo since 2015.



It particularly made its name among East Asian entrepreneurs by working with the Korean government to localize their products in the Western market. As a result, Altosbiz is known as the top crowdfunding agency in South Korea.

Taking this success, Altosbiz launched a new service in 2020 called “Reverse Crowdfunding,” in which they take campaigns that were successfully funded on Kickstarter and Indiegogo, and localize them on Asian crowdfunding platforms like Wadiz (South Korea), Makuake (Japan), and Zeczec (Taiwan). This has helped Western entrepreneurs gain immense exposure in an untapped market, truly kick-starting their journey towards a global business.

Contact Altosbiz

  • If you have a current or past campaign, please enter the URL.
  • Provide a brief project overview and summary of your needs.


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